Vadovas Tefal EY245B40 Easy Fry Max Gili gruzdintuvė

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* Shake at least half way through cooking.
Tips: in order to improve the cooking result, do not hesitate to shake 2-3 times when cooking.
IMPORTANT: To avoid damaging your appliance, never exceed the maximum quantities of ingredients and
liquids indicated in the instruction manual and in the recipes.
**place the cake tin/oven dish in the bowl.
When you use mixtures that rise (such as with cake, quiche or muffins) the oven dish should not be filled more
than halfway.
Smaller food will require a slightly shorter cooking time than larger size food. If you are
unsure, you can open the bowl at any point of cooking to check progress.
Shaking food halfway through the cooking time improves the end result and can help
prevent uneven cooking.
To make your potatoes extra crispy, try adding a small amount of oil before cooking and
shake to evenly cover. We recommend 14 ml of oil.
Snacks that can be cooked in an oven can also be cooked in the appliance.
The optimal recommended quantity for cooking fries is 700 grams.
Use ready made puff and shortcrust pastry to make filled snacks quickly and easily.
Place an oven dish in the appliance’s bowl if you want to bake a cake or quiche or if you
want to fry delicate ingredients or filled ingredients. You can use an oven dish in silicon,
stainless steel, aluminium, terracotta.
You can also use the appliance to reheat food. To reheat food, set the temperature to
160°C for up to 10 minutes. Cooking time could be adjusted depending on food quantity in
order to fully reheat the food.
If you want to make home-made chips, follow the steps below.
1. Choose a variety of potato recommended for making chips. Peel the potatoes and cut them
into equal thickness chips.
2. Soak the potato chips in cold water for at least 30 minutes, drain them and dry them with
a clean, highly absorbent tea towel. Then pat with paper kitchen towel. The chips must be
thoroughly dry before cooking.
3. Pour 1 tablespoon of oil (vegetable, sunflower or olive) in a dry bowl, put the chips on top
and mix until they are coated with oil.
4. Remove the chips from the bowl with your fingers or a kitchen utensil so that any excess oil
stays behind in the bowl. Place the chips in the bowl.
Note: Do not tip the container of oil coated chips directly into the bowl in one go,
otherwise excess oil will end up at the bottom of the bowl.
5. Fry the chips according to the instructions in the section Cooking guide.
Clean the appliance after every use.
The bowl and the grid have a non-stick coating. Do not use metal kitchen utensils or
abrasive cleaning materials to clean them, as this may damage the nonstick coating.
1. Remove the mains plug from the wall socket and let the appliance cool down. Note: Remove
the bowl to let the appliance cool down more quickly.
2. Wipe the outside of the appliance with a damp cloth.
3. Clean the bowl and grid with hot water, some washing-up liquid and a non-abrasive sponge.
You can use a degreasing liquid to remove any remaining dirt.
Note: the bowl and the grid are dishwasher safe.
Tip: If food debris/residue is stuck at the bottom of the bowl and the grid, fill them with hot
water and some washing-up liquid. Let the bowl and the grid soak for approximately 10
minutes. Then rinse clean and dry.
Approx Time
Potatoes & fries
Frozen chips (10 mm x
10mm standard thickness)
300 - 800 g
20 - 30 min
Fries (8 x 8 mm)
300 - 800 g
22 - 27 min
Add 1 tbsp of oil
potato wedges
300 - 800 g
22 - 27 min
Add 1 tbsp of oil
Meat & Poultry
100 - 500 g
6 - 10 min
Flip at mid-cooking
Chicken breast
fillets (boneless)
100 - 500 g
12 - 19 min
Flip at mid-cooking
Chicken (whole)
1000 g
45 min
Bacon / Beef bacon
150 g
(10 slices)
8 min
Yes Flip at mid-cooking
Salmon fillet
350 g
15 - 17 min
12 pieces 4 min
Frozen chicken nuggets
100 - 600 g
7 - 15 min
Frozen chicken wings
300 g 16 - 20 min
Frozen cheese sticks
125 g
(5 pieces)
7 - 9 min
Frozen onion rings
200 g
(10 pieces)
8 - 10 min
7 min
400 - 700 g 15 min
7 pieces 15 -18 min
Use a baking
tin/oven dish**
Cake 300 g 30 min
The table below helps you to select the basic settings for the food you want to prepare.
Note: The cooking times below are only a guide and may vary according to the variety
and batch of potatoes used. For other food the size, shape and brand may affect results.
Therefore, you may need to adjust the cooking time slightly.
Atsisiųsti vadovą lietuvių kalba (PDF, 3.89 MB)
(Tausokite gamtą ir spausdinkite šį vadovą tik tada, kai tai tikrai būtina)



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Suprantame, kad puiku turėti popierinį savo Tefal EY245B40 Easy Fry Max Gili gruzdintuvė vadovą. Visada galite atsisiųsti vadovą iš mūsų svetainės ir atsispausdinti patys. Jei norite turėti originalų vadovą, rekomenduojame susisiekti su Tefal. Jie gali pateikti originalų vadovą. Ar ieškote savo Tefal EY245B40 Easy Fry Max Gili gruzdintuvė vadovo kita kalba? Pasirinkite pageidaujamą kalbą mūsų pagrindiniame puslapyje ir ieškokite modelio numerio, kad pamatytumėte, ar jį turime.


Prekės ženklas Tefal
Modelis EY245B40 Easy Fry Max
Kategorija Gilios gruzdintuvės
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 3.89 MB

Visi Tefal Gilios gruzdintuvės vadovai
Daugiau Gilios gruzdintuvės vadovų

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Mūsų palaikymo komanda ieško naudingos informacijos apie produktą ir atsakymų į dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei dažniausiai užduodamuose klausimuose pastebėjote netikslumų, praneškite mums naudodamiesi mūsų kontaktų forma.

Kaip dažnai turėčiau keisti riebalus ar aliejų gruzdintuvėje? Patvirtinta

Norint pasiekti optimalų rezultatą, jei gaminate užkandžius, riebalus ar aliejų patartina keisti kas 8 kepimo seansus. Jei kepate bulvytes, riebalus ar aliejų galima keisti kas 12 kepimo seansų.

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Ar galiu gruzdintuvės vidų išvalyti šveitikliu? Patvirtinta

Ne. Dauguma gruzdintuvų turi specialų sluoksnį, kurį galima pažeisti šveitikliu arba abrazyviniu valikliu. Naudokite tik minkštąją šveitiklio pusę arba drėgną servetėlę.

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Kas yra „šaltoji zona“ mano gruzdintuvėje? Patvirtinta

Keptuvėse su šalta zona dalis aliejaus yra žemiau kaitinimo elemento. Ši aliejaus dalis išlieka šaltesnė nei viršutinė dalis. Trupiniai plūduriuos į dugną ir atsidurs šioje šaltoje zonoje, todėl aliejus ilgiau išliks švarus.

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Vadovas Tefal EY245B40 Easy Fry Max Gili gruzdintuvė

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