Vadovas FERM AGM1029 Kampinis šlifuoklis

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Make sure that the user is protected from the
grinding disc as much as possible.
Make sure that the workpiece is properly
supported or xed.
Wear safety goggles. Wear hearing protection.
Wear a dust mask. If necessary, use other
protective means, such as safety gloves,
safety shoes, etc. Risk of personal injury.
Keep bystanders away from the work area.
Make sure that all persons in the work area wear
protective equipment. Risk of personal injury.
Keep the mains cable away from the rotating
grinding disc. If the mains cable touches the
rotating grinding disc, your hands or arms may
come in contact with the grinding disc.
Risk of personal injury.
Hold the machine by the insulated gripping
surfaces where the grinding disc may contact
hidden wiring or the mains cable. If the
grinding disc contacts a ’live′ wire, the exposed
metal parts of the machine can also become
’live′. Risk of electric shock.
Do not use the machine while carrying it at
your side. Risk of personal injury.
Do not use the machine on workpieces requiring
a maximum grinding depth that exceeds the
maximum grinding depth of the grinding disc.
Do not use accessories that require liquid
coolants. Risk of electric shock.
Do not use the machine near ammable
materials. Risk of re.
Do not work materials containing asbestos.
Asbestos is considered carcinogenic.
Do not work metal with a magnesium content
of more than 80%.
Beware that the grinding disc continues to
rotate for a short period after switching off the
machine. Do not attempt to bring the grinding
disc to a standstill yourself.
Never put the machine down on a table or
a workbench before it has been switched off.
Regularly clean the ventilation slots.
Risk of electric shock.
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched,
bound or twisted grinding disc, which causes the
machine to lift up and out of the workpiece
towards the user. If the grinding disc is pinched or
bound tightly by the cut, the grinding disc jams and
the machine is rapidly driven back towards the user.
If the grinding disc is twisted in the cut, the back
edge of the grinding disc can dig into the top
surface of the workpiece, which causes the
grinding disc to climb out of the cut and jump
back towards the user.
Kickback is the result of incorrect use of the
machine and/or incorrect operating procedures or
conditions. Kickback can be avoided by taking
proper precautions:
Firmly hold the machine with both hands.
Position your arms to resist kickback forces.
Position your body to either side of the grinding
disc, but not in line with the grinding disc.
Kickback can cause the grinding disc to jump
backwards. If proper precautions are taken,
kickback forces can be controlled by the user.
Be extra careful when using the machine on
corners, sharp edges, etc. Make sure that the
grinding disc does not become jammed.
Risk of kickback.
If the grinding disc jams or if you interrupt a cut
for any reason, release the on/off switch and
hold the machine motionless in the material
until the grinding disc comes to a complete
standstill. Never attempt to remove the machine
from the workpiece or pull the machine
backward while the grinding disc is in motion.
Risk of kickback.
Do not use blunt or damaged grinding discs.
Unsharpened or incorrectly mounted grinding
discs produce narrow cuts, which causes
excessive friction and kickback and increases
the risk of the grinding discs becoming jammed.
Do not use toothed saw blades. Do not use
woodcarving blades for saw chains.
Risk of personal injury.
Always check that the voltage of the
power supply corresponds to the voltage
on the rating plate.
Do not use the machine if the mains cable or
the mains plug is damaged.
Only use extension cables that are suitable for
the power rating of the machine with a minimum
thickness of 1.5 mm
. If you use a extension
cable reel, always fully unroll the cable.
If the moulded 3-pin plug attached to the unit is
damaged and needs replacing, it is important that
it is correctly destroyed and replaced by an
approved BS 1363/5A fused plug and that the
Atsisiųsti vadovą lietuvių kalba (PDF, 6.96 MB)
(Tausokite gamtą ir spausdinkite šį vadovą tik tada, kai tai tikrai būtina)



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Prekės ženklas FERM
Modelis AGM1029
Kategorija Kampiniai šlifuokliai
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 6.96 MB

Visi FERM Kampiniai šlifuokliai vadovai
Daugiau Kampiniai šlifuokliai vadovų

Dažnai užduodami klausimai apie FERM AGM1029 Kampinis šlifuoklis

Mūsų palaikymo komanda ieško naudingos informacijos apie produktą ir atsakymų į dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei dažniausiai užduodamuose klausimuose pastebėjote netikslumų, praneškite mums naudodamiesi mūsų kontaktų forma.

Kokioms medžiagoms galiu naudoti kampinį šlifuoklį. Patvirtinta

Kampiniai šlifuokliai labiausiai tinka naudoti metalui ar akmeniui. Mašinos išskiria daug šilumos, todėl yra mažiau tinkamos naudoti medienai ar plastikui.

Tai buvo naudinga (63) Skaityti daugiau

Ar naudojant kampinį šlifuoklį reikia dėvėti klausos apsaugos priemones? Patvirtinta

Taip, tu turėtum. Nors kampinio šlifuoklio skleidžiamo triukšmo kiekis gali skirtis priklausomai nuo prekės ženklų ir modelių, ilgalaikis stiprus triukšmas gali sukelti negrįžtamus klausos pažeidimus. Štai kodėl verta nešioti klausos apsaugos priemones.

Tai buvo naudinga (16) Skaityti daugiau

Ar naudojant kampinį šlifuoklį reikia dėvėti akių apsaugą? Patvirtinta

Taip. Šlifavimo metu gali išskristi smulkios dalelės. Kai jie patenka į akį, jie gali sukelti nuolatinį akių pažeidimą. Štai kodėl visada būtina dėvėti akių apsaugą.

Tai buvo naudinga (14) Skaityti daugiau

Ar galiu elektrinius įrankius laikyti pastogėje ar garaže? Patvirtinta

Paprastai elektrinius įrankius galite laikyti pastogėje ar garaže, net jei jie ten kartais užšąla. Tačiau elektrinio įrankio naudojimo trukmei geriau jį laikyti sausoje vietoje be didelių temperatūros svyravimų. Tvarte ar garaže dėl temperatūros skirtumų gali susidaryti kondensatas, dėl kurio gali atsirasti rūdžių. Be to, baterijomis veikiantys įrankiai tarnauja trumpiau ir nesikrauna taip gerai esant labai žemai temperatūrai. Kad įsitikintumėte, kaip reikia laikyti elektrinį įrankį, visada atidžiai perskaitykite vartotojo vadovą.

Tai buvo naudinga (6) Skaityti daugiau
Vadovas FERM AGM1029 Kampinis šlifuoklis

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