Vadovas Ryobi RLT5030S Žoliapjovė

Reikia vadovo savo Ryobi RLT5030S Žoliapjovė? Žemiau galite nemokamai peržiūrėti ir atsisiųsti PDF vadovą lietuvių kalba. Šiuo metu šis produktas turi 0 dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus, 1 komentarą ir turi 2 balsų, kurių vidutinis produkto įvertinimas yra 0/100. Jei tai ne tas vadovas, kurio norite, susisiekite su mumis.

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changing accessories
checking for any damage after hitting an object
checking for any damage if the product starts to
vibrate abnormally
performing maintenance
Ŷ Wear protective glasses or goggles.
Ŷ Take care against injury from any device fitted for
trimming the filament line length.
Ŷ Disconnect the machine from the mains before
checking, cleaning or working on the machine and
when it is not in use.
Ŷ Always ensure that ventilation openings are kept clear
of debris.
Ŷ After use, disconnect the machine from the mains and
check for damage.
Ŷ Use only genuine replacement parts and accessories.
Ŷ After extending new cutter line, always return the
product to its normal operating position before switching
Ŷ After each use, clean with a soft dry cloth.
Ŷ Check the product regularly to make sure that it will
operate properly and perform the intended function.
Any part that is damaged should be properly repaired
or replaced by an authorized service centre.
Ŷ When not in use, the product should be stored in a cool
dry place and locked up out of the reach of children. Do
not store outdoors.
Ŷ The product is designed for cutting grass and light
weeds only in private garden areas.
Ŷ The product is not allowed to be used in public gardens,
parks, sports centers or at roadsides as well as for
agricultural and forestry use.
Ŷ The product is not allowed to be used for cutting
or chopping hedges, shrubs, bushes, flowers and
The product has an overload protection device that is
activated when overheating or a current spike occurs,
automatically shutting down power within the product. To
resume operation, disconnect the product from the power
supply, wait for about 15 minutes, and re-connect the
product to the power supply.
It has been reported that vibrations from hand-held tools
may contribute to a condition called Raynaud’s Syndrome
in certain individuals. Symptoms may include tingling,
numbness and blanching of the  ngers, usually apparent
upon exposure to cold.
Hereditary factors, exposure to cold and dampness, diet,
smoking and work practices are all thought to contribute to
the development of these symptoms. There are measures
that can be taken by the operator to possibly reduce the
effects of vibration:
Ŷ Keep your body warm in cold weather. When operating
the unit wear gloves to keep the hands and wrists
warm. It is reported that cold weather is a major factor
contributing to Raynaud’s Syndrome.
Ŷ After each period of operation, exercise to increase
blood circulation.
Ŷ Take frequent work breaks. Limit the amount of
exposure per day. If you experience any of the
symptoms of this condition, immediately discontinue
use and see your physician about these symptoms.
Recycle raw materials instead of disposing
of as waste. The machine, accessories and
packaging should be sorted for environmental-
friendly recycling.
Safety alert
For a safe operation, read and
understand all instructions before using
the product.
Wear eye and ear protection.
Avoid using in wet or damp conditions.
Keep all bystanders at least 15 m away.
Remove plug from the mains
immediately before maintenance or if
cable is damaged or cut.
Beware of thrown or  ying objects.
Keep bystanders a safe distance away
from the product.
Class II, Double insulation
Guaranteed sound power level
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Atsisiųsti vadovą lietuvių kalba (PDF, 5.72 MB)
(Tausokite gamtą ir spausdinkite šį vadovą tik tada, kai tai tikrai būtina)



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2 balsai

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Čia galite pasidalinti savo nuomone apie Ryobi RLT5030S Žoliapjovė. Jei turite klausimų, pirmiausia atidžiai perskaitykite vadovą. Užklausą dėl vadovo galite pateikti naudodami mūsų kontaktinę formą.

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Daugiau apie šį vadovą

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Prekės ženklas Ryobi
Modelis RLT5030S
Kategorija Žoliapjovės
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 5.72 MB

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Vadovas Ryobi RLT5030S Žoliapjovė

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