Vadovas Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė

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Instruction manual
Heated underblanket
Device and controls
Power LED
Slider control
Do not use the heated underblanket
when it is folded!
Do not puncture the heated under-
Not suitable for children under 3 years!
Only use the heated underblanket in-
The heated underblanket can be
cleaned in a gentle wash cycle at max.
Do not bleach!
Do not dry the heated underblanket in
a tumble drier!
Do not iron the heated underblanket!
Do not dry clean!
Non-observance of these instructions
can result in serious injury or damage
to the device.
These warning notes must be observed
to prevent any injury to the user.
These notes must be observed to pre-
vent any damage to the device..
These notes provide useful additional
information on the installation or
Protection category II
LOT number
Explanation of symbols
Power supply
Before connecting the device to your power supply, please
ensure that the supply voltage stated on the rating plate is
compatible with your mains supply.
The control switch should not be covered or placed on or
below the pad while the unit is in operation.
Keep the mains lead away from hot surfaces.
Never carry, pull or turn the heated underblanket by the
mains lead and do not let the lead get tangled.
Never touch a device that has fallen into water. Unplug
the unit from the mains outlet immediately.
The controls and leads must not be exposed to any kind
of moisture.
The heated underblanket may only be operated with the
control unit (HU 674) supplied.
For special people
Do not use the heated underblanket on children or per-
sons who are disabled, asleep or insensitive to heat (per-
sons who cannot react on overheating).
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years
and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if
they have been given supervision or instruction concern-
ing use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the
hazards involved.
Children shall not play with the appliance.
Children below the age of 3 years are not allowed to use
this device, because they are not able to react on over-
The heated underblanket must not be used by young chil-
dren over the age of 3 years, unless the control unit has
been adjusted accordingly by its parents or legal guard-
ians or unless the child has been well instructed how to
use the control unit properly.
Should you have any concerns about health issues, con-
sult your doctor before using the device.
Should you experience persistent pains in the muscles
and joints, please inform your doctor. Persistent pains can
be a symptom of serious illness.
If you wear a pacemaker, please be aware that the elec-
tromagnetic elds emanating from this electric product
may, under certain circumstances, interfere with the func-
tions of your pacemaker. Therefore, ask your doctor and
the manufacturer of the pacemaker for advice before us-
ing this product.
If you experience any pain or discomfort while using the
unit, stop using it immediately.
Operating the device
Only use the device for its intended use as in the instruc-
tion manual.
If misused, all guarantee rights shall become null and void.
Carefully check the heated underblanket before each use,
if you notice wear or damage.
Do not use if you notice wear, damage or signs of im-
proper use on the heated underblanket, the switch or the
cables or if the device is not working.
The heated underblanket may not be operated while fold-
ed, creased, wrapped in a cover or placed around the
Read the instruction manual carefully before
using this device, especially the safety
instructions, and keep the instruction manual
for future use. Should you give this device to
another person, it is vital that you also pass
on these instructions for use.
GB Safety instructions
Neither pierce the blanket with, nor attach safety pins or
other spiky or sharp objects to the device.
Never use the device unsupervised.
The device is only for private use and is not to be used in
Do not fall asleep while the device is switched on. Pro-
longed use of the device at a high setting could lead to
skin burns.
Before using it on an adjustable bed, you must make sure
that the underblanket will not get caught or crumpled to-
Do not use the device when wet and only use it in dry
environments (not in the bathroom or similar environ-
Maintenance and cleaning
You are only permitted to clean the unit. To avoid hazards,
never repair the device yourself. Contact the customer
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by
children without supervision.
If the power supply cable is damaged, it may only be re-
placed by MEDISANA, an authorised dealer or by quali-
ed personnel in order to avoid hazards.
A damaged power supply cable must be replaced with a
power cable of the same type.
If a fault occurs, do not attempt to repair the unit yourself.
Repairs must only be carried out by an authorized spe-
cialist dealer or other suitably qualied personnel.
Let the heated underblanket cool down completely before
folding and storing it. Do not fold it too tight.
Do not store the device with any objects covering or rest-
ing on top of it in order to avoid sharp crinkles.
Scope of supply
Please check rst of all that the device is complete and is not
damaged in any way. In case of doubt, do not use the it and
contact your dealer or your service centre.
The following parts are included:
1 MEDISANA Heated underblanket with removable
switching unit
1 Instruction manual
If you notice any transport damage during unpacking, ple-
ase contact your dealer without delay.
Spread the blanket out at on top of the mattress. There are
four rubber bands sewn onto the heated underblanket. Use
these bands to tighten the heated underblanket over the cor-
ners of the mattress. Make sure that the electric underblanket
is rmly strapped to the mattress in both directions and that
it will not crease while it is being used. Spread a bedsheet
on top of it. This allows the underblanket to release its heat
in the best way possible. Check it is in the correct position
before going to bed!
Make sure, the connection cable of the control unit is pro-
perly connected to the plug of the heated underblanket. Plug
the unit into the mains outlet and move the slider control
from position 0 to position 1. The power LED
will light up
in green.
Please ensure that the polythene packing is kept
away from the reach of children!
Risk of suocation!
After a few minutes you will be able to feel the heated un-
derblanket getting noticeably warmer. If you require a higher
temperature setting, move the switch to the next positions 2
or 3 or the maximum heat setting, position 4. If the heated
underblanket gets too hot for you, move the slider back to
position 3, 2 or 1. After a short time, the heated underblanket
will cool down.
The heated underblanket may cool down after a short period
of time. This is normal. The fast re-heating according to the
setting will follow immediately.
To switch the unit o, move the switch back to position 0. The
power LED
will go out, indicating that the unit is switched
o. Unplug the unit from the mains outlet.
Move the switch to position 1 for any continuous use. The
heated underblanket will switch o automatically after ap-
prox. 180 minutes of continuous use.
To switch it back on again, move the slider switch to position
0 and then back to the desired heat setting.
Unplug the unit from the mains outlet once you have nished
using it.
If there is no function at all after switching on the heated un-
derblanket (power LED
shows no light), please check if
the mains plug is correctly plugged in the mains outlet. If this
is the case, the heated underblanket is defect. Please do not
use the heated underblanket and contact the service center.
Cleaning and maintenance
Before cleaning the heated underblanket, unplug it from
the mains outlet and let it cool down for at least ten minu-
The heated underblanket is equipped with a removable
control unit (HU 674).
Unplug the control unit from the heated underblanket by
pulling out the connection cable from the plug on the hea-
ted underblanket.
The heated underblanket can be cleaned dry (with a soft
brush) or as described in the instructions on the product
Never use strong detergents or hard brushes.
To dry, lay the heated underblanket at on a moisture-
absorbent towel or mat.
Only use the heated underblanket again once it is com-
pletely dry.
Reconnect the control unit to the heated underblanket in
the correct manner.
You should untangle the cable from time to time.
Let the heated underblanket cool down completely before
folding and storing it.
Do not fold it too tightly. Ideally, you should store the un-
derblanket folded in its original carton in a clean and dry
This product must not be disposed of together with
domestic waste.
All users are obliged to hand in all electrical or
electronic devices, regardless of whether or not they
contain toxic substances, at a municipal or commercial coll-
ection point so that they can be disposed of in an environ-
mentally acceptable manner. Consult your municipal authori-
ty or your dealer for information about disposal.
Technical specications
Name and model:
Power supply:
Heat output:
Automatic switch-o:
Dimensions approx.:
Weight approx.:
Operating conditions:
Storage conditions:
Art. number:
EAN number:
MEDISANA Heated underblanket
HU 674
220-240V~, 50/60 Hz
100 watts
after approx. 180 minutes
150 x 80 cm
1.2 kg
Only use in dry rooms according to
this user manual
Laid out at, clean and dry
40 15588 61232 9
The current version of this instruction manual can be found under
In accordance with our policy of continual product
improvement, we reserve the right for technical
and design changes without notice.
Warranty and repair terms
Please contact your dealer or the service centre in case of
a claim under the warranty. If you have to return the unit,
please enclose a copy of your receipt and state what the
defect is.
The following warranty terms apply:
1. The warranty period for MEDISANA products is three
years from date of purchase. In case of a warranty claim,
the date of purchase has to be proven by means of the
sales receipt or invoice.
2. Defects in material or workmanship will be removed free
of charge within the warranty period.
3. Repairs under warranty do not extend the warranty
period either for the unit or for the replacement parts.
4. The following is excluded under the warranty:
a. All damage which has arisen due to improper
treatment, e.g. non-observance of the user
b. All damage which is due to repairs or tampering by the
customer or unauthorised third parties.
c. Damage which has arisen during transport from the
manufacturer to the consumer or during transport to
the service centre.
d. Accessories which are subject to normal wear and
5. Liability for direct or indirect consequential losses caused
by the unit are excluded even if the damage to the unit is
accepted as a warranty claim.
Jagenbergstraße 19
41468 NEUSS
The service centre address is shown on the attached leaet.
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Praneškite mums, ką manote apie Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė, pateikdami produkto įvertinimą. Norite pasidalyti savo patirtimi apie šį produktą arba užduoti klausimą? Palikite komentarą puslapio apačioje.
Ar esate patenkinti Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė?
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Čia galite pasidalinti savo nuomone apie Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė. Jei turite klausimų, pirmiausia atidžiai perskaitykite vadovą. Užklausą dėl vadovo galite pateikti naudodami mūsų kontaktinę formą.

Daugiau apie šį vadovą

Suprantame, kad puiku turėti popierinį savo Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė vadovą. Visada galite atsisiųsti vadovą iš mūsų svetainės ir atsispausdinti patys. Jei norite turėti originalų vadovą, rekomenduojame susisiekti su Medisana. Jie gali pateikti originalų vadovą. Ar ieškote savo Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė vadovo kita kalba? Pasirinkite pageidaujamą kalbą mūsų pagrindiniame puslapyje ir ieškokite modelio numerio, kad pamatytumėte, ar jį turime.


Prekės ženklas Medisana
Modelis HU 674
Kategorija Elektrinės antklodės
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Visi Medisana Elektrinės antklodės vadovai
Daugiau Elektrinės antklodės vadovų

Dažnai užduodami klausimai apie Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė

Mūsų palaikymo komanda ieško naudingos informacijos apie produktą ir atsakymų į dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei dažniausiai užduodamuose klausimuose pastebėjote netikslumų, praneškite mums naudodamiesi mūsų kontaktų forma.

Ar elektrinės antklodės sunaudoja daug energijos? Patvirtinta

Ne, paprastai elektrinės antklodės yra nedideli elektros energijos vartotojai.

Tai buvo naudinga (65) Skaityti daugiau

Ar galiu miegoti po elektrine antklode? Patvirtinta

Elektrinė antklodė daugiausia naudojama lovai šildyti. Po juo miegoti nerekomenduojama, nes per naktį kūnas gali perkaisti.

Tai buvo naudinga (57) Skaityti daugiau

Ar gali užsidegti elektrinės antklodės? Patvirtinta

Dauguma šiuolaikinių elektrinių antklodžių turi mechanizmą, kuris išjungia antklodę, kai tampa per karšta. Iki 2001 m. pagamintose antklodėse šio mechanizmo gali trūkti.

Tai buvo naudinga (40) Skaityti daugiau

Ar elektrinė antklodė gali šildyti kambarį? Patvirtinta

Ne, elektrinės antklodės yra pakankamai galingos, kad sušildytų lovą.

Tai buvo naudinga (34) Skaityti daugiau
Vadovas Medisana HU 674 Elektrinė antklodė

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