Vadovas Lanaform LA190201 Žadinimo lemputė

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Wake Up Light EN Instruction manual 7 / 84
To deactivate the alarm 1 or 2 completely, press
the alarm 1 or 2 button (9) or (8) again. The corre-
sponding symbol will then disappear.
When an alarm goes o, you can stop it temporari
ly by pressing the snooze button
. The alarm will
then go o again 5 minutes later, repeating each
time you press the snooze button (1).
The sunrise simulation is activated 30 minutes
before the wake-up alarm time. The brightness
of the LED increases progressively up until the
alarm time.
When the wake-up alarm goes o, you can de-
activate the light by pressing the light button
(6) repeatedly.
If you want to deactivate the sunrise function
before the wake-up alarm time, press the wake-
up alarm 1 or 2 button (9 or 8) and press the light
button (6) to switch the lamp o.
You can also use the Wake Up Light as a normal lamp
or as atmospheric lighting with changing colours.
To activate the normal lamp function, press the
light button
once. You can then adjust the
intensity of the light by pressing and holding
the “+” and “-” buttons (5) and (7).
To activate the atmospheric lighting function,
press the light button (6) twice. The LEDs will then
change colour automatically. You can select one
of the six specic colours by pressing the “+” and
“-” buttons (5) and (7).
The Wake Up Light device has a mobile aerial
situated on the back. Unwind the wire and ar
range it in the longest position to ensure the
best reception.
Press the radio button (2) to switch it on.
To launch the automatic station search, press and
hold the radio button (2) and then release it. The
device will start searching for stations and save
them automatically.
Once the stations have been saved, you can press
the “+” and “-” buttons (5) and (7) to choose the
station you would like to listen to. The symbol
‘P’ is displayed in front of the station number.
If you prefer to search for a station manually,
press and hold the “+” and “-” buttons (5) and (7)
until you come to the station you are looking for.
To adjust the volume of the radio, press the volume
button (11) repeatedly (settings from 1 to 15).
To switch the radio o, press the radio button (2).
When the FM radio is on, you can use the light as
a normal lamp or atmospheric lighting. Press the
light button (6) repeatedly to select the normal
lamp function or atmospheric lighting.
If you select the FM radio rst and then
the normal lamp function, the lamp
will be at its maximum intensity.
You can also use the Wake Up Light to help you fall
asleep by selecting a sleeping time. The sunset
simulation will start 30 minutes before the pro-
grammed sleeping time. The LED will gradually
become darker up until the sleeping time.
E-IM-WakeUpLight-002.indd 7 21/11/2017 09:12:02
Atsisiųsti vadovą lietuvių kalba (PDF, 2.38 MB)
(Tausokite gamtą ir spausdinkite šį vadovą tik tada, kai tai tikrai būtina)



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Prekės ženklas Lanaform
Modelis LA190201
Kategorija Žadinimo lemputės
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 2.38 MB

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Mūsų palaikymo komanda ieško naudingos informacijos apie produktą ir atsakymų į dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei dažniausiai užduodamuose klausimuose pastebėjote netikslumų, praneškite mums naudodamiesi mūsų kontaktų forma.

Ar kiekviena pažadinimo lemputė taip pat gali būti naudojama užmigti? Patvirtinta

Nors pavadinimas rodo kitaip, daugelis žadintuvų turi užmigimo nustatymą. Paprastesniuose modeliuose šios funkcijos gali trūkti, todėl prieš pirkdami visada patikrinkite.

Tai buvo naudinga (43) Skaityti daugiau

Kuo skiriasi žadinimo lemputė nuo dienos šviesos lempos? Patvirtinta

Pažadinimo lemputės paprastai yra skirtos imituoti natūralų perėjimą iš tamsos į šviesą ir atvirkščiai. Tai leidžia palaipsniui pabusti arba užmigti. Dienos šviesos lempos yra skirtos kompensuoti dienos šviesos trūkumą žmonėms, kurie dėl to patiria problemų.

Tai buvo naudinga (29) Skaityti daugiau
Vadovas Lanaform LA190201 Žadinimo lemputė

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