Vadovas FERM RSM1018 Tiesinis pjūklas

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Always follow the safety notes and the
relevant safety code.
Make sure that the saw blade does not
rest on or touch any objects when the
machine is switched on.
Switching on and off
Fig. A
To switch on the machine, press the on/off
switch (3).
To switch the machine to continuous mode,
keep the on/off switch (3) pressed and
simultaneously press the lock-on button (4).
To switch off the machine, release the on/off
switch (3).
Sawing tips
Adjust saw blade and stroke rate to suit the
material to be processed. For right radius curves
it is best to use a narrow saw blade. Apply
coolant or lubricant to deal with the fluttering
produced along the cut line when sawing metal.
Check wood, chip boards, building materials
etc, for foreign bodies (nails, screws etc.),
before sawing and remove them, if necessary.
Clamp material well. Do not support the
workpiece with hand or foot. Do not touch
objects or the floor with the saw running
(danger of backlash).
Put the footplate on the surface of the
workpiece, and saw through it with constant
contact pressure or feed. If the saw blade
seizes switch the machine off immediately.
Spread the gap with a suitable tool and pull out
the saw blade.
After finishing work, switch off the machine
and only put down after it has come to a
complete standstill.
Plunge cutting
Fig. C
Plunge cutting may only be used on soft
materials such as wood, aerated concrete,
gypsum plaster boards, etc.
However, this requires a certain practise and is
only possible with short saw blades.
Place the saw onto the workpiece and switch it
Ensure that the bottom edge of the footplate
rests on the workpiece surface as shown.
Slowly saw into the workpiece at an angle,
moving the saw to a vertical position and
continue to saw along the cutting line.
Switch the saw off and lift off the workpiece
when the work is complete.
Flush sawing
Elastic bi-metal saw blades allow you to saw
protruding objects (e,g, water pipes, iron bars,
etc,) nearby the wall.
Apply the saw blade directly to the wall and
bend slightly so that the footplate rests against
the wall.
Switch the machine on and saw off the
workpiece keeping constant lateral pressure
against the wall.
Make sure that the machine is not live
when carrying out maintenance work on
the motor.
The machines have been designed to operate
over a long period of time with a minimum of
maintenance. Continuous satisfactory operation
depends upon proper machine care and regular
Keep the ventilation slots of the machine clean to
prevent overheating of the engine. Regularly clean
the machine housing with a soft cloth, preferably
after each use. Keep the ventilation slots free from
dust and dirt. If the dirt does not come off use a
soft cloth moistened with soapy water. Never use
solvents such as petrol, alcohol, ammonia water,
etc. These solvents may damage the plastic parts.
The machine requires no additional lubrication.
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part,
please contact the service address on the
warranty card. In the back of this manual you find
an exploded view showing the parts that can be
Atsisiųsti vadovą lietuvių kalba (PDF, 8.31 MB)
(Tausokite gamtą ir spausdinkite šį vadovą tik tada, kai tai tikrai būtina)



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Prekės ženklas FERM
Modelis RSM1018
Kategorija Tiesiniai pjūklai
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 8.31 MB

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Daugiau Tiesiniai pjūklai vadovų

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Mūsų palaikymo komanda ieško naudingos informacijos apie produktą ir atsakymų į dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei dažniausiai užduodamuose klausimuose pastebėjote netikslumų, praneškite mums naudodamiesi mūsų kontaktų forma.

Kam galiu naudoti stūmoklinį pjūklą? Patvirtinta

Dėl keičiamo pjūklo disko šie pjūklai tinka beveik visoms medžiagoms. Jie dažnai naudojami montavimui ir sanitarijai.

Tai buvo naudinga (42) Skaityti daugiau

Ar turiu dėvėti akių apsaugą, kai naudoju stūmoklinį pjūklą? Patvirtinta

Taip. Pjovimo metu gali išskristi smulkios dalelės. Kai jie patenka į akį, jie gali sukelti nuolatinį akių pažeidimą. Štai kodėl visada būtina dėvėti akių apsaugą.

Tai buvo naudinga (24) Skaityti daugiau

Ar galiu elektrinius įrankius laikyti pastogėje ar garaže? Patvirtinta

Paprastai elektrinius įrankius galite laikyti pastogėje ar garaže, net jei jie ten kartais užšąla. Tačiau elektrinio įrankio naudojimo trukmei geriau jį laikyti sausoje vietoje be didelių temperatūros svyravimų. Tvarte ar garaže dėl temperatūros skirtumų gali susidaryti kondensatas, dėl kurio gali atsirasti rūdžių. Be to, baterijomis veikiantys įrankiai tarnauja trumpiau ir nesikrauna taip gerai esant labai žemai temperatūrai. Kad įsitikintumėte, kaip reikia laikyti elektrinį įrankį, visada atidžiai perskaitykite vartotojo vadovą.

Tai buvo naudinga (11) Skaityti daugiau
Vadovas FERM RSM1018 Tiesinis pjūklas

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