Vadovas Camry CR 2915 Skutimosi mašinėlė

Reikia vadovo savo Camry CR 2915 Skutimosi mašinėlė? Žemiau galite nemokamai peržiūrėti ir atsisiųsti PDF vadovą lietuvių kalba. Šiuo metu šis produktas turi 2 dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus, 0 komentarų ir 0 balsų. Jei tai ne tas vadovas, kurio norite, susisiekite su mumis.

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17. Do not allow the device or power adaptor to wet. If the device falls into water,
immediately remove the power plug or power adaptor from the socket. If the device is
powered, do not put hands in the water. Have the device checked by the qualified
electrician before using it again.
18. Do not touch the device or power adaptor with wet hands.
19. The device has to be turned off after every use.
20. In order to provide additional protection, it is recommended to install residue current
device (RCD) in the power circuit, with residual current rating not more than 30 mA. Contact
professional electrician in this matter.
21. If the device utilises a power adaptor, do not cover it, because this can cause a
dangerous temperature rise and can damage the device. Always connect the power
adaptor cable to the device, and then connect the power adaptor to the power socket.
22.The shaver charging temperature should not be above 35 degrees Celsius or below 5
degrees Celsius.
23 Only the shaver head can be washed in water, the other parts of the shaver cannot be
immersed in water. Be careful, the hot water can cause burns to your hands (fig. 2)
24.Do not use towel or paper tissues for cleaning of shaver head, as they can damage the
Before charging make sure, that the shaver is switched off. Charging takes about 8 hours. The shaver cannot be plugged to the power
socket for longer than 24 hours.
1. Connect the charger cable to the shaver (fig. 3).
2. The charging LED will illuminate (fig. 4).
3. After full charging of the shaver, unplug the charger from the power socket, then disconnect the cable from the shaver.
4. If the battery is discharged during shaving, you can charge the shaver for a couple of minutes in order to finish shaving.
1. Switch the shaver on using the button on the housing.
2. Move the shaver head along the skin, making straight as well as circular moves (fig. 5).
3. After each use put the protective cover on for protection of the shaving heads against the mechanical damage (fig. 6).
For sideburns and moustache shaping.
1. Move the slide upwards to open the trimmer. You can use trimmer after switching the device on (fig. 7).
Frequent shaver cleaning ensures better shaving results.
Clean the head and hair container daily.
1. Switch the shaver off, unplug the power cable.
2. Push the release button (fig. 8, 1), the shaving assembly will open (fig. 8, 2).
3. Every few shaves sweep out the cut hair out of the heads and container with attached brush.
Cleaning shaver heads (every 6 months)
1. Open the shaving assembly, turn the lock conterclockwise (fig. 12), remove the securing element, and remove the blades.
2. Clean the blades and covers using the attached brush (fig. 13). Clean only one set of blade and cover per time. Do not mix the
blades and covers. The effective operation of each set can be assured only by exact fit of blades to covers.
The heads can be water rinsed.
3. After cleaning put the blades into the cover and place the set in the casing, watching the guiding cuts on the cover edge (fig. 14).
Make sure the cut on the cover edge matches the tooth on the head casing. Next, put the securing element back on and turn the lock
4. Close the head until it snaps. Trimmer cleaning
Clean the trimmer after each use.
1. Switch the shaver off, unplug the power cable and unplug the small plug off the shaver.
2. Clean the trimmer using the attached brush (fig. 15).
3. Every 6 months oil the trimmer teeth with machine oil (fig. 16).
Blade replacement
Replace the shaving heads every year to ensure optimal device operation. The shaver has long durability if used according to the
manual. Damaged or worn shaving heads should be replaced only with original shaving heads.
Atsisiųsti vadovą lietuvių kalba (PDF, 4.55 MB)
(Tausokite gamtą ir spausdinkite šį vadovą tik tada, kai tai tikrai būtina)



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Prekės ženklas Camry
Modelis CR 2915
Kategorija Skutimosi mašinėlės
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 4.55 MB

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Kokia kryptimi turėčiau skustis? Patvirtinta

Daugeliu atvejų rekomenduojama skustis atsižvelgiant į plaukų augimo kryptį. Tai sumažina sudirgusios odos ir įaugusių plaukų riziką.

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Kuo skiriasi vibruojančios ir besisukančios skutimosi galvutės? Patvirtinta

Dažniausiai tai priklauso nuo asmeninių poreikių ir pageidavimų, tačiau apskritai galima teigti, kad vibruojančių skutimosi galvučių ašmenys juda greičiau, todėl pasiekiami greitesni rezultatai. Besisukanti skutimosi galvutė gali lengviau pasiekti tam tikras veido sritis.

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Vadovas Camry CR 2915 Skutimosi mašinėlė

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