Vadovas Bosch GPB 18V-2 SC Radijo imtuvas

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16 | English
LEDs Capacity
2× continuous green light 30−60%
1× continuous green light 5−30%
1× flashing green light 0−5%
Battery model ProCORE18V...
LEDs Capacity
5× continuous green light 80−100%
4× continuous green light 60−80%
3× continuous green light 40−60%
2× continuous green light 20−40%
1× continuous green light 5−20%
1× flashing green light 0−5%
Operation with power supply (see figureA)
u Use only the power supply listed in the technical data.
This is the only this way to ensure proper operation of the
u Pay attention to the mains voltage. The voltage of the
power source must match the voltage specified on the
type plate of the power supply.
Open the protective cap of the connector
compartment(15). Insert the plug-in connector(21) of the
power supply into the connection socket(22) (DCIN18V).
Connect the power supply to the mains supply.
After removing the plug-in connector(21), reattach the pro-
tective cap of the connector compartment(15) to protect
against dirt/debris.
Changing the button cell
To save the time and other settings on the radio, a button
cell must be inserted as a back-up battery.
Before using the radio for the first time, remove the protect-
ive strip of the inserted button cell.
Disengage the locking lever(13) of the battery cover and
open the battery cover(12) flap.
If required, remove the rechargeable battery(17).
Pull the protective film out under the cover(18) of the but-
ton cell.
Replace the button cell once the radio no longer saves the
time and the display gets weaker.
To do this, turn the cover(18) of the button cell anticlock-
wise (e.g. with a coin) and remove the cover. Insert a new
button cell.
When doing so, ensure that the polarity is correct according
to the illustration on the inside of the cover(18).
Put the cover(18) of the button cell back on and turn it
firmly clockwise. The cover is only securely locked if the
markings on the cover and padlock symbol are facing each
u Take the button cell out of the radio if you are not us-
ing it for a prolonged period of time. When stored in the
radio for longer periods, the button cell can corrode and
discharge itself.
u Protect the radio against direct water contact. Water
entering the radio increases the risk of an electric shock.
u Keep the battery cover and the protective cap of the
connector compartment closed if possible. The closed
covers protect the radio against water and dust.
Audio Operation
Switching On and Off
To switch on the radio, press the on/off button(2). The
display(1) is activated and the audio source that was set the
last time the radio was turned off is played back.
The display(1) is illuminated for a few seconds each time a
button is pressed.
To switch off the radio, press the on/off button(2) again.
The current setting of the audio source will be saved.
Adjusting the Volume
After the radio is switched on, the volume is always set to
To increase the volume, turn the on/off button(2) clock-
wise; to reduce the volume, turn it anticlockwise.
The volume setting<VL> or<Volume> will appear on the
display for a few seconds with a value between 0 and 30. Be-
fore adjusting or changing a radio station, set the volume to a
low setting; before starting an external audio source, set the
volume to a medium setting.
To switch off the sound, you can briefly press the mute
button(8). To switch on the sound again, either briefly press
the mute button again or turn the on/off button(2) clock-
The volume can be changed at any time. If the menu function
is activated, the display will return to the menu a few
seconds after you have changed the volume.
Selecting an Audio Source
To select an audio source, press the source button(7) until
the required internal or external audio source is shown in the
DAB/DAB2: Digital radio via DAB+ (GPB18V‑2SC),
FM/FM2: Analogue radio via FM,
AUX: External audio source (e.g. smartphone) via the
3.5‑mm socketAUXIN(24) in the connector
: External audio source (e.g. smartphone) via the
Bluetooth® connection.
1 609 92A 6F3 | (30.03.2021) Bosch Power Tools
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Čia galite pasidalinti savo nuomone apie Bosch GPB 18V-2 SC Radijo imtuvas. Jei turite klausimų, pirmiausia atidžiai perskaitykite vadovą. Užklausą dėl vadovo galite pateikti naudodami mūsų kontaktinę formą.

Benny Amberin 16-09-2021
Kaip nustatyti laiką per radiją?

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Gilles maxime 30-03-2022
Žaidžiame. Pastebiu, kad šis radijas blogiau priima signalą nei senoji versija

atsakyti | Tai buvo naudinga (0) (Išvertė Google)

Daugiau apie šį vadovą

Suprantame, kad puiku turėti popierinį savo Bosch GPB 18V-2 SC Radijo imtuvas vadovą. Visada galite atsisiųsti vadovą iš mūsų svetainės ir atsispausdinti patys. Jei norite turėti originalų vadovą, rekomenduojame susisiekti su Bosch. Jie gali pateikti originalų vadovą. Ar ieškote savo Bosch GPB 18V-2 SC Radijo imtuvas vadovo kita kalba? Pasirinkite pageidaujamą kalbą mūsų pagrindiniame puslapyje ir ieškokite modelio numerio, kad pamatytumėte, ar jį turime.


Prekės ženklas Bosch
Modelis GPB 18V-2 SC
Kategorija Radijo imtuvai
Failo tipas PDF
Failo dydis 4.92 MB

Visi Bosch Radijo imtuvai vadovai
Daugiau Radijo imtuvai vadovų

Dažnai užduodami klausimai apie Bosch GPB 18V-2 SC Radijo imtuvas

Mūsų palaikymo komanda ieško naudingos informacijos apie produktą ir atsakymų į dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei dažniausiai užduodamuose klausimuose pastebėjote netikslumų, praneškite mums naudodamiesi mūsų kontaktų forma.

Kas yra DAB+? Patvirtinta

DAB+ yra FM signalo įpėdinis ir reiškia skaitmeninį garso transliavimą. Tai skaitmeninis signalas, leidžiantis daugiau kanalų tame pačiame pralaidumo diapazone ir lengviau perjungti kanalus.

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Kuo skiriasi FM ir AM? Patvirtinta

FM ir AM yra moduliavimo formos, naudojamos signalui perduoti. FM reiškia dažnio moduliaciją, o AM – amplitudės moduliaciją. AM yra seniausia moduliavimo forma. Didžiausias skirtumas yra tas, kad FM signalas yra daug stipresnis nei AM signalas.

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Vadovas Bosch GPB 18V-2 SC Radijo imtuvas

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